Research Fields:
The Economics of Social Media
The Economics of Fashion Industry
The Impact of Brand on Consumer Behavior
The Impact of Online Social Networks on Economics Behaviors
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA - SM23
Research Assistant in Economics
I worked as a research assistant on a summer intern project that focused on the Impact of Online Social Networks on Economics Behaviors. Over a period of two months, I worked with a team of researchers to collect social media data at both individual and regional levels. I collected different articles from different countries and regions to know how the people in the other regions.
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA - SP22, FA22, SP23
Undergraduate Research Assistant in Economics
As an undergraduate research assistant in the Department of Economics at Virginia Tech, I work closely with the program director to fulfill research requirements related to The Economics of the Fashion Industry, Social Media, and The Impact of Brands on Consumer Behavior. My responsibilities include peer-reviewing articles on these topics, summarizing the articles, and providing my reflections based on my analysis. Through this experience, I have developed strong research skills and gained valuable insight into the fashion industry and consumer behavior. This opportunity has provided me with practical experience in the research process and has allowed me to contribute to important academic discussions. I am grateful for this experience, which has helped me to further my academic and professional goals in the field of economics.
Working in Progress: